Sosyo-Kültürel Hayatta Din (Mersin’de Tarım ve Sanayi İşçisi Kesimleri)

Anahtar Kelimeler:


Religion in Socio-Cultural Life (Agricultural and Industrial Workers in Mersin)

With in this investigation, the dimension of influnence on religion and community of industrialisation that has been happening with the transition from agriculture to industry. The incident of industrialisation that has universal qualityn has been seached as comparison of religious living in the sector of agriculture and industry Labour’s in Mersin. In the last part the solutions have been put forwart, commeting on the practical searching datas having taken related to the comparicon of religious living of the labour’s from agricultre and industrial sectors in Mersin. The community including the labours vorking in the sector of agriculture and industry with in the border of city centre of Mersin. Has been taken into consideration as an application area. In agricultural sector 358 persons, and in industrial sector 147 persons have been interviewed as fitting to a large scale of envirenment from the printed form we can apply on occosion that the enverimental border wouldn’t have been de termined because of the un certainty not only in industrial sector but in agricultural sector as well in our searching area. An interview form has been used, including 97 questions for this search. By this investigation it is aimed at finding out the dimension of changing in the sake of religion and social manner while transiting from agricultural sector to the industrious sector. In the first part of this the is the birth of industralisation and growing up and the influences on the commint in the world and in Turkey has taken in to consideration. In the second hart in the capasity and the framework of the agricultural sector and community in Turkey have been dwelled on.In the thirt part the conection badwen religion and industry has been explained. In the fourt the frame- work of the city center’s socio- economics