Developments in Religious Education During the Transition Period to Pluralist Democracy in Turkey

3 Mart 1924 tarihinde ilan edilen Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu’nun uygulama boyutu Cumhuriyet Tarihi boyunca devam eden tartışmaların çıkış noktası olmuştur. Kanuna dayandırılarak medreselerin kaldırılması ardından açılan yeni din eğitimi kurumlarının da bir müddet sonra kapatılması ve din derslerinin de aşamalı olarak eğitim programlarının dışında bırakılması din derslerini uzun yıllar eğitimin bir parçası olmaktan çıkarmıştır. Çoğulcu demokrasi fikrinin ortaya çıkardığı ifade hürriyeti ve bunun sosyal ve siyasi hayattaki yansımalarının bir sonucu olarak din dersleri yeniden gündem konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu makalede Türkiye’de çok partili hayata geçişin sağlanmasıyla birlikte din dersleri konusunda yaşanan gelişmeler ve din eğitimi veren kurumların geçirdiği yeniden yapılanma süreci kronolojik bir yöntemle sunulmuştur. Makale çerçevesinde 1924’ten 1946 yılına kadar olan süreçte din dersleri konusunda yaşanan gelişmeler kısaca anlatılmış, ardından 1960 yılına kadar olan süreç incelenmiştir.As we analyze the history of Republic of Turkey, the year 1946 and the following years have become the milestone for the transition process to pluralist democracy.  This period of time could be regarded of a crucial influence on political and social transformation. Within the article, developments taken place in religion classes and re-construction period of the institutions taught religion after the transition process to pluralist democracy from single party regime have been chronologically presented. The article looks through the developments in religion classes from 1924 until 1946 and then analyzes the period up until 1960.

Developments in Religious Education During the Transition Period to Pluralist Democracy in Turkey

By the republic era, it could be said that the most important reform, we may call “milestone in the field of education”, is the law of Tawhēd - Tadrīsāt, enacted in March three 1924 to remove the maktab - madrasahpredicament from the system of education. After the date it was enacted, fourth article of the mentioned law which urges the officials to educate religious scholars in a divinity faculty and to separate schools for educating Imams has been a starting point for the discussions that were to be argued over the religious education. Although there was no such a direct enforcement within the text of the law regarding to the shutting down of the madrasahschools (schools which were once the touch stone of the Ottoman education system), they were still shut down and later a divinity faculty was established along with the religious vocational schools in different cities of Turkey.  After this date, many regulations came into existence in regard to the religious education and religion classes. However, the institutions of religious education established according to the regulations done until 1939 were shut down and the religion classes in the syllabus were gradually cancelled. For the state abandoned the religious education of its formal education system, a need emerged by time for religious education but the absence of it raised the tension of the societyagainst the state.  By the end of Second World War and the transition process to the pluralist democracy in Turkey provided the environment to the people to enunciate their desire for the state to take over the religious education and organize it under the formal education. In the light of this situation, many regulations were done from 1946 to 1960. Within the frame of this article, the period of time witnessed massive amount of development in religious education is chronologically probed and summarized via descriptive method.


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