Discourses/Actions: The Nation's Library

Discourses/Actions: The Nation's Library

It is known that various factors including social, political, scientific, socio-cultural, economic and technological aspects, have undergone transformations in different levels and forms from the past to the present. These relevant factors have also constituted components of reactions ranging from the construction of urban identity to the diversification of building stock and facade language. In characterizing an architectural design through multiple sub-action groups, it should be noted that not only the aforementioned values but also the dynamics related to the actors involved in the design process play a crucial role. Especially, the architect has a unique mission in coordinating the design process, which encompasses complex and multifaceted actions, according to their formation. The decisions made by the architect are associated with all the inputs of: i) Conceptual (designing - planning), ii) Operational (constructing - producing - realizing), iii) Managerial (conducting tasks, relationships, labor, coordination). The main variable determining the quality of design is the level of realization of the architect's objectives in practice. In this study, the focus is on the correlation between design objectives and outcomes through the case of the Nation’s Library, which was completed and put into use in 2020. Within the study, a discourse analysis is conducted specifically on the architectural design report and the relevant analyses are evaluated together with outputs based on literature research and spatial experience. In the experimental section of the study, methods such as observation and examination, documentation through photography and analysis of architectural projects are employed. As a result of the study; it is determined that the design objectives formulated by the architect generally lack meaningful correspondences in practice. The theory-practice mismatch was particularly observed more prominently for elements derived from the historical repertoire.


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