Tarih Pedagoji Programı Öğrencilerinin Gözüyle Değer Eğitimi: Trabzon Örneği*

Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2014-2015 eğitim ve öğretim yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fatih Eğitim Fakültesi Tarih Öğretmenliği Pedagoji Programı'na devam eden öğretmen adaylarının değer eğitimiyle ilgili görüşlerini ortaya koymaktır. Öğret- men adayları, Türkiye'deki farklı üniversitelerin tarih bölümlerinden mezun olan öğren- cilerdir. Araştırmaya 19 kadın ve 18 erkek olmak üzere toplam 37 öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırma nitel bir anlayışla gerçekleştirilmiş olup, çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak açık-uçlu anket kullanılmıştır. Anket, 2014-2015 eğitim ve öğretim yılı Bahar Yarıyılında uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler önce okunmuş daha sonra kodlanmıştır. Kodlamanın ardından kategoriler oluşturulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler ışığında, öğretmen adaylarının çoğunluğunun tarih derslerinin değer eğitimini desteklemesi gerektiğini düşündükleri anlaşılmaktadır. Buna karşın, aday öğretmenlerin çoğunluğunun değer kavramı ve değer eğitimi konusunda yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmadıkları anlaşılmaktadır.

Value Education in the Eyes of Student Teachers of History Pedagogy Programme: The Example of Trabzon*51*

There have been important changes regarding politic, economic and social life in Turkey in the last fifteen years. These changes can especially be seen in textbooks and curriculums. New skills and values has been given attention and were included to curriculums of social science lessons in this period. For example, values such as patriotism, tolerance, hospitality and fairness in the primary level were included to social studies courses in the primary level. Which values and skills should be included curriculums have been a debatable topic among educators and society. People and non-governmental organizations who have different ideology offer different values for curriculums.students in schools and outside the schools. Student can gain values by formal and informal ways and value education can be defined as transmitting values to students in schools by curriculums. When the related literature is examined, different categories regarding values made by different academics are found. For example, Schwartz (1992 cited in Kuşdil ve Kağıtçıbaşı, 2000; Schwartz, 1999; Yazıcı, 2006 aktaran Acat ve Aslan, 2012) gathered values in different categories which are power, success, pleasure from life, stimulation, self-orientation, universality, benevolence, tradition, conformity and security. Besides this, Akbaş (2004 cited in Ekşi ve Katılmış, 2011) offers another category for values which are scientific, ecenomic, aesthetic, social, political and religious. There are different value education approaches which are values realization, character education, moral reasoning and citizenship education (Kirschenbaum, 2000 cited in: Tokdemir, 2007, p. 37; Yazıcı, 2006, p. 510-516). History Education and Values History based on past event help enlighten the present, therefore history is an important course which supports value education with other lessons such as social studies, civic and religious. Students can be given different knowledge, skills and values to students (Demircioğlu ve Demircioğlu, 2014). How values emerged, developed and affected life in the different time period can be easily seen in history lessons (Phillips, 2003). Besides this, history lessons show how values played a role in the actions of important figures in the past. Furthermore, the past also demonstrates that people took different decisions because of different values. Different materials which are archive material, historical epics, story, cartoon, poetry and historical events can be used for value education in history lesson (Demircioğlu ve Tokdemir, 2008; Yüksel and Adıgüzel, 2012: Yiğittir, 2014, Demircioğlu, 2015). History teachers and history student teachers should be given adequate education how history lessons support value education. For this reason, history student teachers should be informed about value education based on applied training activities by special teaching method course in history teacher education process. As the related literature concerning views of history teachers, history student teachers and teachers of the other subjects about value education are examined, it seems that there are different studies in this field (Tokdemir, 2007; Fidan, 2009; İşcan Demirhan, 2014; Genç, Tutkun and Çoruk, 2015; Mutluer, 2015). For example, a research carried out by Tokdemir (2007) indicated that majority of history teachers do not have theoretical knowledge about value education in history lessons. On the other hand, these teachers had positive attitude about value education. Another research shows that teachers give value to the following elements patriotism, historical consciousness, being sensitive to the historical and cultural heritage, claiming the national and spiritual values, unity, independence, the National Anthem and to respect the flag and diligence (Yiğittir and Öcal, 2011). The purpose of Research The purpose of this research is illuminate views of history student teachers about value education attended the pedagogy program of Fatih Faculty of Karadeniz Technical University. With this in mind, the answers of the following questions were sought in this study; 1. What are the views of student teachers of history pedagogy program about value education? 2. What are the views of history pedagogy program trainees about the role of history education in value education? 3. What are the views of history pedagogy program trainees about teaching methods and materials used in value education? Method Research Design This study is a descriptive research based on qualitative approach. The aim of using qualitative research is to gather deep information that would answer the research questions. Study Group Study group of this research is student teachers of history pedagogy program of Fatih Education Faculty of Karadeniz Technical University in Trabzon. Data Collection Tools Related literature concerning value and value educations were examined in the first phase of this study. Secondly, an open ended questionnaire was developed in the light of the research questions and related literature. Findings and Comments Comments were made in the light of findings based on each sub-problem in this section. The first sub-problems of this research is what the views of history student teachers about value and value education are. Five questions were asked to student teachers in this section. The first question is about what student teachers understand about the concept of the value. History student teachers gave different answers to this question and it seems that the majority of student teachers did not define the concept of value adequately. Another question asked trainee teachers is about the definition of value education. Answers of history trainee teachers are examined it seems that they did not define value education properly. The third question in the first section of questionnaire is whether or not trainee teachers were given education about value education. The data indicates that the


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  • *In this study, held in Antalya between 21-25 April 2016 were presented as oral presentations at the th National Educational Sciences Congress.
  • For example, Schwartz (1992 cited in Kuşdil ve Kağıtçıbaşı, 2000; Schwartz, ; Yazıcı, 2006 aktaran Acat ve Aslan, 2012) gathered values in different ca- tegories which are power, success, pleasure from life, stimulation, self-orienta- tion, universality, benevolence, tradition, conformity and security. Besides this,
  • Akbaş (2004 cited in Ekşi ve Katılmış, 2011) offers another category for values which are scientific, ecenomic, aesthetic, social, political and religious. There are different value education approaches which are values realization, character education, moral reasoning and citizenship education (Kirschenbaum, 2000 ci- ted in: Tokdemir, 2007, p. 37; Yazıcı, 2006, p. 510-516).
  • Yiğittir, 2014, Demircioğlu, 2015). History teachers and history student tea- chers should be given adequate education how history lessons support value education. For this reason, history student teachers should be informed about value education based on applied training activities by special teaching method course in history teacher education process.
  • As the related literature concerning views of history teachers, history student teachers and teachers of the other subjects about value education are exami- ned, it seems that there are different studies in this field (Tokdemir, 2007; Fi- dan, 2009; İşcan Demirhan, 2014; Genç, Tutkun and Çoruk, 2015; Mutluer,
  • ). For example, a research carried out by Tokdemir (2007) indicated that majority of history teachers do not have theoretical knowledge about value education in history lessons. On the other hand, these teachers had positive attitude about value education. Another research shows that teachers give value to the following elements patriotism, historical consciousness, being sensitive to the historical and cultural heritage, claiming the national and spiritual values, unity, independence, the National Anthem and to respect the flag and diligence
  • (Yiğittir and Öcal, 2011).
  • The following recommendations can be made in the light of the data: o History student teachers should be taught main concepts of value education. o History student teachers should be given applied education about what kind of teaching approaches, methods and techniques should be used in value education. o Special teaching method course of history pedagogy program should inc- lude topics about value education in history teacher preparation process.