The effect of strontium carbonate additive on the production of graphitic boron nitride using modified O'connor method

The effect of strontium carbonate additive on the production of graphitic boron nitride using modified O'connor method

In this study, it was investigated that whether the graphitic boron nitride was successfully synthesized by adding strontium carbonate (within the different amount of 20-40%) using O'Connor method which is the one of the solid-state methods or not. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods were used to clarify the formation of boron nitride structure. Inter and intra-layer BN vibration movements of gBN were determined by FTIR method. Also, peaks belonging to the gBN formation were observed in the XRD analysis, and the distance between the layers was found to be close to both the theoretical values and data of commercially produced BN structure. The morphological examination was performed with SEM, and the planar properties of structure were determined. In addition, the EDS measurements supported that the crystal structure of powders include only nitrogen and boron atoms. In the light of these methods, it has been determined that the graphitic BN was able to synthesize at a lower temperature and in a more regular crystal structure compared to the O'Connor method with strontium carbonate additives.


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