In this study, it has been aimed at investigating the parent involvement in mathematics education. This study is a quantitative study designed as a survey method in order to determine the family involvement in mathematics education. The sample of the study included the parents of 209 students selected by simple random sampling method in the 2018-2019 school year. “Personal Information Form” and “The Questionnaire of Parents’ Involvement in Mathematics Education” were used as data collection tools. Necessary statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS 16.0. The percentage-frequency were used for the assessment of data. In this study, it was achieved to the conclusion that the attitudes, interests and involvement of parents in mathematics are positive when examining the involvement of families in mathematics education.


In this study, it has been aimed at investigating the parent involvement in mathematics education. This study is a quantitative study designed as a survey method in order to determine the family involvement in mathematics education. The sample of the study included the parents of 209 students selected by simple random sampling method in the 2018-2019 school year. “Personal Information Form” and “The Questionnaire of Parents’ Involvement in Mathematics Education” were used as data collection tools. Necessary statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS 16.0. The percentage-frequency were used for the assessment of data. In this study, it was achieved to the conclusion that the attitudes, interests and involvement of parents in mathematics are positive when examining the involvement of families in mathematics education.


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