The Regulation of Accounting Profession in Turkey: In the Public or Private interest?
The Regulation of Accounting Profession in Turkey: In the Public or Private interest?
This study aims to understand the functions of accounting regulations in Turkey. This research is conceptually based on the contrast between a functionalist view of professions and a neo-Weber view. A prior study undertaken in Anglo-American countries revealed that the accounting profession has mostly focused on defending its private interests. As a result, there is a need to study this issue in a civil-law country, where the state is anticipated to play a prominent role in preserving the public interest. Our study includes a content analysis of 6507 disciplinary offenses imposed on accountants by the disciplinary committee of the Istanbul Chamber of Certified Public Accountants (ISMMMO) between 2011 and 2020. In this investigation, 5499 different types of infractions were categorized as public-interest offenses and 1166 as private-interest offenses. Our findings show that the accounting profession tends to protect both private and public interests in civil-law countries, such as Turkey.
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