Interview with Prof. Dr. Meriç Hızal About Art

Interview with Prof. Dr. Meriç Hızal About Art

A conversation was held with Prof. Dr. Meriç Hızal, famous artist, on her art, works and sculpture art.


  • Gülümser Beyaztaş Özlütürk: Dear Prof. Dr. Hızal, what would you like to say to young sculpture artists about your profession? What advice would you give them?
  • Prof. Dr. Meriç Hızal: First of all, it is important to be yourself, to know yourself. As we read on the pediment of the Temple of Apollo, 'Know Yourself' So, 'What is the meaning of my existence as an artist in this world?' he should begin to question so that the young person can gain a perspective in one way or another from where no one sees it. Getting an award is not the goal, either. Art is something that we will be happy to do and enjoy. On the other hand, I always suggest researching, seeing and learning. The longer they live, the more they learn. I think that the more they get to know the world, their own country, past art movements, crafts, historical sites, geography and people, the richer they become.
  • Gülümser Beyaztaş Özlütürk: Dear Prof. Dr. Hızal, thank you very much for this nice interview.
  • Prof. Dr. Meriç Hızal: Talking about art with you was meaningful and nice for me too. Thank you.