Öz Lichens are symbiotic organisms of fungi and photobionts (algae or cyanobacteria). It has been known for many years that some secondary metabolites produced by lichens have antagonistic effects on different microorganisms, yeasts and algae. In this study, in vitro antimicrobial activity of Pseudevernia furfurace, Hypogymnia tubulosa, Evernia divaricata, Letharia vulpina samples collected from Kastamonu region were examined against Candida albicans ATCC 26555, Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhium SL 1344, Escherichia coli ETEC LM 63083, Shigella flexneri and Bacillus megaterium. The antimicrobial activity of samples was evaluated by disc diffusion method and the results were supported by MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) and MBC/MFC (minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration) tests. According to the results, among the lichen samples, Letharia vulpina presented an antimicrobial activity against B. megaterium, where Pseudevernia furfurace had an antimicrobial activity against S. flexneri and B. megaterium, and Evernia divaricata against C. albicans, S. flexneri and B. megaterium. On the other hand, Hypogymnia tubulosa presented no antimicrobial activity


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