A gas-liquid chromatography apparatus which produces a single peak for each component of mixtures is very useful when separating multicomponent systems. Since commercial gas-liquid chromatography Instruments complete aretooexpensive,the home-made apparatus was construc- ted in order to reduce the cost. The flame ionization detector was prepared and calibrated for quantitative analysis of the ternary system of Benzene, Methyl cyclopentane and n-Hexane. The calibration of the detector was obtained by taking peak height rather than the peak areas in con- sideration. Reproducibility of results were in the order of i 0.1 mole percent. The home-made chromatography apparatus was used with confidence to analyse the ternary distillation samples taken from the 1” Vigreux column.


  • Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series B Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series B Chemistry and Chemical Engineering-Cover
  • ISSN: 1303-6017
  • Başlangıç: 1948
  • Yayıncı: Ankara Üniversitesi