Testing the consistency of a novel bowling scoring system against the current approach

Testing the consistency of a novel bowling scoring system against the current approach

This study introduces a new bowling scoring system and tests its consistency with the current scoring system with respect to preserving player placements. A comprehensive simulation study for different scenarios; two-player, three-player, and four-player games performed. The simulations empirically quantify the likelihood of experiencing concordant results between the two (current and new) systems. The simulation study revealed that the percentage of times that the current and new scoring systems yield the same placements at least 85% when two players compete, at least 66% of the time when three players compete, and at least 43% of the time when four players compete regardless of the ability levels of the players. A comparison study using real bowling data-sets have been done and showed the consistence for the new scoring system with the current one. However, the new scoring system is easy to calculate, understand and to be implemented