Some New Results on Absolute Summability Factors

Some New Results on Absolute Summability Factors

In this paper, we establish the general summability factor theorems related to generalized absoluteCesàro summability |?, ?, ?|? and absolute factorable matrix summability |??,??|?methods for ? ≥ 1,? + ? > −1, where (??) is arbitrary sequence of positive real constants and ?? = (???) is a factorablematrix such that ??? = ?̂???for 0 ≤ ? ≤ ?, ??? = 0 for ? > ?, (?̂?) and (??) are any sequences ofreal numbers. Also, absolute factorable summability method includes all absolute Riesz summabilityand absolute weighted summability methods in the special cases. Therefore, not only some well knownresults but also several new results for absolute Cesàro and weighted means are obtained as corollaries.


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