Optimal Site Selection for a Solar Power Plant in Turkey Using a Hybrid AHP-TOPSIS Method

Optimal Site Selection for a Solar Power Plant in Turkey Using a Hybrid AHP-TOPSIS Method

Energy is an increasing need arising from the existence of mankind. Electricity is one of the most importantsecondary energy sources. Obtaining of electricity from fossil sources leads to negative consequences suchas climate change and environmental pollution. In addition, fossil resources are not endless. For this reason,the importance of renewable energy sources that are sustainable and not harmful to the environment such asfossil fuels is increases for electricity generation. In this study, electricity generation with solar power isconsidered. There are some factors to achieve efficiency in the projects of obtaining electric energy with solarenergy. One of the most important of these factors is to choose the right place. There are multiple criteria thataffect the correct location selection. Multiple criteria decision making methods are suitable for site selectionstudies where there are many criteria. In this study, Konya, Karaman, Burdur, Antalya, Mersin, Van whichare fortunate cities in Turkey in terms of sunbathing are selected as alternatives. A hybrid AHP and TOPSISmethod is used to select the best alternative according to the sub-criteria determined under the economic,technical, social and geographical main criteria. Criterion weights are found by the AHP method andalternatives are ranked with the TOPSIS method. The result of the study is that Mersin is the best alternativefor solar power plant and Mersin is followed by Karaman, Burdur, Konya, Van and Antalya respectively.


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