An Approach to Estimate Aircraft Fuel Consumption for the Descent Phase

An Approach to Estimate Aircraft Fuel Consumption for the Descent Phase

In this study, the static (based on Base of Aircraft Data) and the dynamic aircraft fuel consumption modelsare constructed for the descent phase. Therefore, two flight trajectories, from Istanbul to Frankfurt (LTBA-EDDF) and from Los Angeles to New York (KLAX-KJFK), are chosen in order to analyze the appropriaterelationships between the different parameters such as altitude, speed and time. A medium range aircraft istaken into consideration while developing linear and quadratic models. For LTBA- EDDF, fuel consumptionas 200 kg, 193,89 kg and 193,58 kg are found for BADA, linear and quadratic models, respectively. Itcorresponds to about a 3 % difference from BADA. Furthermore, for KLAX-KJFK, approximately a 5%difference is obtained.


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