Günümüzde temelde bireysel teknoloji kullanımında mobile dönüş eğilimi ve internete erişimin kolaylaşması sebebiyle sosyal medyanın kullanım oranları giderek artmaktadır. Sosyal medya platformlarının çeşitliliği ve her birinin en az bir konuda günlük hayatta kolaylık sağlaması bireylerin bu platformlarda geçirdikleri süreyi artırmaktadır. Gün içerisinde sosyal medyaya ayrılan sürenin artması tıpkı diğer bağımlılık türlerinde olduğu gibi bireylerin sorumluluklarını yerine getirmelerinde aksamalara yol açmaktadır. Bu nedenle literatürde sosyal medya bağımlılığı ve kullanım alanları ile ilgili çok sayıda çalışmaya ulaşmak mümkündür. Benzer şekilde erteleme davranışı da birçok yönden incelenmekte olan bir konudur. Bu çalışma, öğrencilerin sosyal medya alışkanlıklarını kullanım amaçları ve bağımlılıkları üzerinden inceleyerek akademik erteleme davranışlarına olan etkilerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Çalışmada 399 üniversite öğrencisinden anket verisi toplanmıştır. Literatür desteği ile kurulmuş olan modeldeki yapıların geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri ve kurulan hipotezlerin testleri SmartPLS 3.2.9 yazılımı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgularla modelin bağımsız değişkeni olan sosyal medya bağımlılığının modelin aracı değişkeni olan sosyal medya kullanım amaçları ile ilişkisinin, aracı değişkenin modelin bağımlı değişkeni olan akademik erteleme davranışı ile olan ilişkisinin anlamlı olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca bağımsız değişken ile bağımlı değişken arasındaki doğrudan ilişkinin anlamlı olmamasına karşın bu ilişkide sosyal medya kullanım amaçları değişkeninin tam aracılık etkisi tespit edilmiştir.


1. LITERATURE 1.1. RESEARCH SUBJECT Internet usage of the individuals is mostly related to social media (Hootsuite & We Are Social, 2020). People use the social media usage to get news, communicate, access to information, and for free-time activity and research purposes (Çömlekçi and Başol, 2019; Acun et al., 2017; Akıncı Vural and Bat, 2010; Taşçı and Ekiz, 2018). The reason for the spread of social media usage in daily life can be the diversity of social media usage purposes. The concept of addiction for social media, which has an increasing number of users and hours of use, has become a popular topic in the literature. Social media addiction has similar findings to substance addiction. These findings include delaying jobs and not fulfilling responsibilities due to social media usage (Ayeni, 2019; Hootsuite & We Are Social, 2020). This may occur as academic procrastination among students. Therefore, this study focused on a measurement model that was developed with the literature to test the effects of the addiction an students’ academic procrastination behaviors. 1.2. RESEARCH PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE 1.3. CONTRIBUTION of the ARTICLE to the LITERATURE 2. DESIGN AND METHOD 2.1. RESEARCH TYPE analyses. d usage of social media which is thought to affect The study aimed to reveal the effect of social media addiction and social media usage purposes on academic procrastination behaviors. Academic procrastination behaviors have negative effects on academic achievement (Balkıs et al., 2006). Testing the presented measurement tool is important to enlighten some parts of the reasons for the students’ academic procrastination behaviors. The study contributes to the literature with the enlightenment of the reasons for academic procrastination and the diversity of the application area of the structural equation model. This quantitative study examined the correlations between the variables and included the statistical 2.2. RESEARCH PROBLEMS The study problem was to test the validity of the formed measurement model and reveal the correlations between the variables to enlighten the reasons for the students’ academic procrastination behaviors. 2.3. DATA COLLECTION METHOD Data were obtained through an online questionnaire form including four sections. The first section of the form included statements to obtain demographic data. The second section included the Social Media Usage Motives which was developed by Solmaz et al. (2013) and had 11 items to reveal the social media usage purposes of the participants. The third section included the Social Media Addiction Scale-Adult Form which was developed by Şahin and Yağcı (2017) to determine the level of social media addiction of the participants. The last section of the form included the Academic Procrastination Scale which was developed by Aitken (1982) and was adopted to Turkish by Balkıs (2006) to measure the academic procrastination behaviors of the participants. All statements except the statements used in the first section were presented to the participant with a 5-point Likert structure. The population of the study included Osmaniye Korkut Ata University associate degree, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and the sample included 399 students who were reached by simple random sampling. 2.4. QUANTITATIVE / QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a statistical method which enables the testing and verification of the effects between the observed and potential variables and which has a wide range of application areas. In other words, it examines the compatibility of a measurement model, which is considered to be conceptually valid with the obtained data and helps to verify or reject them (Şimşek Kandemir, 2019; Gürbüz, 2019). SmartPLS 3.2.9 software was used for the application of variance-based structural equation model that works with the partial least squares method to test the presented model in the study. The validity of the study model and testing of the hypotheses were realized with this software (Doğan, 2019). 2.5. RESEARCH MODEL This study examined the effect of social media addiction on social media usage purposes and academic procrastination behavior and the effects of social media usage purposes on academic procrastination behavior in the measurement model formed with the support of the literature. Additionally, the study checked the mediator effect of social
