Çalışan başarısının temelinde iş tatmini kavramı yer almaktadır. Adams’ın Eşitlik Teorisi’ne göre iş tatminini sağlamanın yolu da çalışana adil bir iş ortamı oluşturabilmektir. Örgütlerde bu adil iş ortamının oluşturulmasını olumsuz yönde etkileyen unsurlardan biri kronizm yani eş-dost kayırmacılığıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı algılanan kronizmin iş tatminini ne şekilde etkilediğini analiz etmek ve bu ilişkide örgütsel adaletin aracılık etkisinin varlığını ya da yokluğunu tespit etmektir. Bunun için geliştirilen hipotezler ve araştırma soruları Amasya ili ve ilçelerinde faaliyet gösteren kamu kurumları ve elliden fazla çalışanı olan özel işletmelerdeki çalışanlara yönelik yapılan anketle elde edilen verilerle test edilmiştir. Veriler 2017 yılının Nisan, Mayıs, Haziran aylarında toplanmıştır. Elde edilen analiz sonuçları örgütlerde kronizm algısı ile iş tatmini ilişkisinde örgütsel adaletin kısmi aracılık etkisinin olduğunu göstermektedir, bu da bu ilişkide başka aracı değişkenlerin de olabileceğine işaret etmektedir.


1. LITERATURE 1.1. RESEARCH SUBJECT The subject of the research is to determine whether or not organizational justice perception has an intermediary role in the effect of cronyism, which is one of the unwanted behaviors in organizations, on the job satisfaction of the employees. 1.2. RESEARCH PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE The main purpose of the research is to determine the effect of employees' perception of cronyism on job satisfaction and to determine whether there is a mediating role in organizational justice perception in this relationship. In the literature review conducted during the research, although there have been various studies in both national and international literature to investigate the relationships between cronyism and job satisfaction; (Araslı ve Tümer, 2008: 1247; Chandler, 2012: 110; Sadozai ve diğerleri, 2012: 765; Karataş, 2013: 87; Diken ve diğerleri, 2014: 209; Erdem ve Karataş, 2015: 67; Nadeem ve diğerleri, 2015: 228), cronyism and organizational justice (Büte, 2011b: 150; Karacağoğlu ve Yörük, 2012: 45; Polat ve Kazak, 2014: 72; Barut, 2015: 384), job satisfaction and organizational justice (Yürür, 2005: 109; Söyük, 2007: 108; Dinç ve Ceylan, 2008: 14; Yavuz, 2010: 55; Meydan, 2010: 201; Keklik ve Coşkun Us, 2013: 158; Yıldız, 2014: 207; Tekingündüz ve diğerleri, 2014: 63), any study that deals with cronyism, job satisfaction and organizational justice has not been demonstrated. This research is important in terms of addressing the relationship between cronyism, job satisfaction and organizational justice. 1.3. CONTRIBUTION of the ARTICLE to the LITERATURE 2. DESIGN AND METHOD 2.1. RESEARCH TYPE Businesses that want to ensure that their employees are satisfied with their jobs should primarily create a fair organizational environment. The prerequisite of providing a fair environment is not to keep any employees apart from other employees, act differently and favor them because of any feature. Although these three concepts, namely job satisfaction, organizational justice and cronyism, are closely related to the organizational behavior of the employees, the lack of a study that deals with the relationship between these three concepts in the literature causes a significant deficiency. It is thought that the research conducted in order to overcome this deficiency will contribute. A practical research has been conducted for this study. 2.2. RESEARCH PROBLEMS The research problems created by considering the research model are: a) Does cronyism have any effect on job satisfaction? b) Does cronyism have any effect on organizational justice? c) Does organizational justice have any impact on job satisfaction? d) Does organizational justice have a mediating effect on the impact of cronyism on job satisfaction? 2.3. DATA COLLECTION METHOD The survey method, one of the most common methods used to collect primary data, was used in the study, as in many studies in the social sciences. The universe of the research is the employees working in the public sector in Amasya province and its districts and the business employees with fifty or more employees in the private sector. For a research population of 25678 employees, a sample of 418 people was conducted. 2.4. QUANTITATIVE / QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS This study is a quantitative study. Quantitative analysis techniques were used for the data obtained from the sample of the study. Among these, frequency analysis for demographic data, factor analysis for variables and correlation analysis for the research model, linear regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used. 2.5. RESEARCH MODEL ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE-Justice on Practice Distribution Justice CRONYISM 2.6. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES The research has four basic hypotheses. These are: 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. FINDINGS as a RESULT of ANALYSIS JOB SATISFACTION-Managerial Factor --Factor Related to the Quality of the Work -Factor Related to Working Conditions Social Factor H1: Employees' perception of cronyism affects job satisfaction
