The effect of total fertility rates on provincial poverty in Turkey: A cross-section analysis, 1990-2000.

The effect of total fertility rates on provincial poverty in Turkey: A cross-section analysis, 1990-2000.

In this study, the relationship between hewing more children and poverty discussed intensivly by classical economists has been examined by using provinical data. It has been examined the connection between provincial incomes as a poverty indicator and total fertility rates in provinces. It has been detected negative and statistically significant relationships in cross-section estimations by using data of 1990 and 2000 years. Similiar results have been obtained in dependency ratio and avarage household size. These results indicate that attitute of families about having more children is significant factor in provincial poverty. In other words, it has been confirmed that provinces have high (low) fertility rates associated with low (high) income levels. These results indicate that demographic variables have to be considered in programmes which is aimed at combating the povert in provinces.


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