Surface sterilization of Staurogyne repens (Nees) Kuntze with hydrogen peroxide

Surface sterilization of Staurogyne repens (Nees) Kuntze with hydrogen peroxide

Sterilization is the killing, destruction or removal of all forms of microorganisms with a substance or an object. In tissue culture studies, the environment and equipment are sterilized. Likewise, the plant to be produced must be sterilized. It uses many methods and chemicals for the surface sterilization of plants. In this study, surface sterilization of Staurogyne repens (Nees) Kuntze was investigated using hydrogen peroskite (H2O2) at different times (10-30 min) and concentrations (3.7- 7.4% v/v). Nodal explants were used in trials. No plant growth regulator was added to the culture medium. Contaminations in food media started to be observed after 5 days and all data were collected after four weeks. While bacterial contaminations were recorded, a few fungal contaminations were also observed. High levels of H2O2 negatively affected the regeneration capabilities of explants. Also, some explants died due to H2O2. Contamination percentages were recorded between 40-100% in H2O2 applied environments. The highest sterilization rate (25%) were obtained in explants exposed to 5.5% H2O2 for 20 min. It was then recorded on explants treated with 5.5% H2O2 for 30 minutes (20%). As a result, surface sterilization of S. repens was accomplished using H2O2. These results can be helpful for surface sterilization and tissue culture studies of S.repens.


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