Dehyariha A Successful Participatory Model for Sustainable Management and Development in Rural Regions of Iran

Dehyariha A Successful Participatory Model for Sustainable Management and Development in Rural Regions of Iran

Nowadays we see a new and local model for rural management in Iran namely "Dehyariha" from 1998. For accessing to sustainable rural development, local management is a very important and necessary issue. This local management must consider villagers and training them in several related concepts such as local development, appearing initiatives, collectivism and participation in rural affairs and applying as an agent for analyzing and diagnosing economic, social and environment aspects in these residence places. "Dehyaran (Officers in Dehyariha)" as selected agents by villagers, also are agents of Iran government in rural regions are responsible for various duties such as fundamental and infrastructures, economic, social and environment aspects. "Dehyariha" as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and popular organizations with utilizing of helps and financial and etc. are getting various assistances from the Municipality Organization and from Ministry of the Interior. In this research author investigating and discussing various aspects of sustainable economic, social and environmental development effects of Dehyariha in the South Khorasan province in east of Iran. Also find correlation relationships between independent variables (age, education, economic situation of villagers) and dependent variables (Economic, environmental, collectivism, social capital, sustainable rural development, and amount of adaptation services presented by Dehyariha with real needs of villagers in this province). Findings of this research indicated that despite approximately short time of establishing and working of "Dehyariha", they could have major positive changes in economic, social and environment  aspects in the villages in order to accessing sustainable development in these rural regions of Iran. In the end, author developed approaches and alternatives for increasing positive economic, social and environmental effects of Dehyariha in Iran.


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