Localizated Hard Palate Adenoid Cystic Carsinoma

Localizated Hard Palate Adenoid Cystic Carsinoma

Adenoid cystic carsinoma (ACC) also called cylindroma in the oral cavity is a high grade malignancy tumor due to perineural spread tendency. It is the second most frequent malignant tumor of the salivary glands. It is characterized by slow expansion, local invasion, rare and generally occured in minor salivary glands of the head and neck. Clinically local pain, facial nerve weakness or paralysis and superficial ulseration may occasionally be the initial presenting symptoms, but there are observed especially in late-stage. Bone invasion rarely occurs, at the beginning there are no radiographic changes. This case report aimed to present the oral and radiographic findings of ACC in a female patient. A 81-year-old female patient applied to our clinic complaining with hard swelling that appeared in the middle line of the hard palate 2 months ago and eating difficulty. Intraoral examination showed a fibrotic mass in the midline of the hard palate, extending from the insisive teeth to the molar teeth and the mucosa on the lesion was normal. Panoramic radiograph showed radiolucent lesion with well-defined borders extending from maxillary molar teeth to the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus. In our case, biopsy was performed and lesion diagnosed as ACC histopathological. After maxillary resection, postoperative radiotherapy was performed. Adenoid cystic carcinomas are rarely seen salivary gland tumors in the head and neck region. Dentists can play an important role in the diagnosis of intra-oral tumors.


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