Factor Affecting Muslim Students Repurchase Intention of Halal Food in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

In general, previous research on the topic of halal focused on consumer purchase intentions. For this reason, this study aims to broaden the issue in this field by examining the factors that influence the intention to repurchase Muslim students on halal-labeled foods. The perceived halal label, brand image, perceived product quality, and religious belief are hypothesized to influence the repurchase intention on halal food. Data in this study were collected through survey methods. The total respondents collected were 194 students from four universities in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Data were processed using SPSS analysis tools with multiple linear regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that the perceived halal label and religious beliefs do not affect repurchase intention. Conversely, brand image and perceived product quality affect student repurchase intentions

Factors Affecting Muslim Students Repurchase Intention of Halal Food in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

In general, previous research on the topic of halal focused on consumer purchase intentions. For this reason, this study aims to broaden the issue in this field by examining the factors that influence the intention to repurchase Muslim students on halal-labeled foods. The perceived halal label, brand image, perceived product quality, and religious belief are hypothesized to influence the repurchase intention on halal food. Data in this study were collected through survey methods. The total respondents collected were 194 students from four universities in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Data were processed using SPSS analysis tools with multiple linear regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that the perceived halal label and religious beliefs do not affect repurchase intention. Conversely, brand image and perceived product quality affect student repurchase intentions


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