Analyzing The Entrepreneurship Competencies Based on Demographic Features

Analyzing The Entrepreneurship Competencies Based on Demographic Features

The aim of this research is to examine how competencies of entrepreneurs differ according to their demographic characteristics. In the extent of this research, leadership, communication and persuasion, strategic resource development, self-efficacy, innovative creativity, resistance and durability, economic freedom motivation, risk propensity/taking, social networks development, responsibility and emotional intelligence, which are among the abilities that assume a definitive part in the accomplishment of entrepreneurs, were assessed. Meanwhile with the help of sub-competencies, the four main competencies, defined as entrepreneurship motivations, social competencies, managerial competencies and psychological competencies were analyzed. As a data gathering tool, EPAI (Entrepreneurial Potential Assessment Inventory) was applied to 118 entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship competencies in four general and eleven sub-competencies were measured. After the scale application, it was analyzed how entrepreneurs’ competencies differ according to demographic features as educational levels, educational background, experience, ages, marital status and genders.


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