An Evaluation on The Turkish Feminism Movement: “National Sensitivities” and “Successful Women”

The Turkish feminism movement emerged with a manifesto published in April 2021 and organized its defenses on social media. It has been claimed that the Turkish feminism movement was started for women’s struggle for equality and freedom. It has been stated that it is aimed to eliminate the problems that continue to exist in Turkey and cause false perceptions to settle. It has been mentioned that these problems are caused by the manipulation of groups that are members or sympathizers of a terrorist organization and that this manipulation gains a more radical character with each passing day. The idea that women have problems arising from being a woman, especially inequality and discrimination, and that these problems can be solved by taking inspiration from Turkish history comes to the fore. For this reason, attention is drawn to the achievements of women who stand out and are the first in Turkish history. The Turkish emphasis is not an effort to strengthen the nationalist ideological background; it is emphasized the bond of citizenship. In this study, the main arguments of the Turkish feminism movement, which is a fairly new formation, are discussed and an analysis is made on the topics of which arguments the movement uses while reinforcing these arguments and what kind of perspective it develops on gender roles. The discursive framework that is tried to be created about Turkishness and Turkish womanhood is defined; how the bond that was tried to be established between the Ottoman women’s movement and the Kemalist women’s movement found its place within this framework is among the questions whose answers are sought throughout the study. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the statements and shares of the Turkish feminism movement on social media, as well as the statements and interviews of the founding members, constitute the data area of the study.

An Evaluation on The Turkish Feminism Movement: “National Sensitivities” and “Successful Women”

The Turkish feminism movement emerged with a manifesto published in April 2021 and organized its defenses on social media. It has been claimed that the Turkish feminism movement was started for women’s struggle for equality and freedom. It has been stated that it is aimed to eliminate the problems that continue to exist in Turkey and cause false perceptions to settle. It has been mentioned that these problems are caused by the manipulation of groups that are members or sympathizers of a terrorist organization and that this manipulation gains a more radical character with each passing day. The idea that women have problems arising from being a woman, especially inequality and discrimination, and that these problems can be solved by taking inspiration from Turkish history comes to the fore. For this reason, attention is drawn to the achievements of women who stand out and are the first in Turkish history. The Turkish emphasis is not an effort to strengthen the nationalist ideological background; it is emphasized the bond of citizenship. In this study, the main arguments of the Turkish feminism movement, which is a fairly new formation, are discussed and an analysis is made on the topics of which arguments the movement uses while reinforcing these arguments and what kind of perspective it develops on gender roles. The discursive framework that is tried to be created about Turkishness and Turkish womanhood is defined; how the bond that was tried to be established between the Ottoman women’s movement and the Kemalist women’s movement found its place within this framework is among the questions whose answers are sought throughout the study. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the statements and shares of the Turkish feminism movement on social media, as well as the statements and interviews of the founding members, constitute the data area of the study.


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