Bu çalışmada, Murgul bakır cevherinden laboratuvar ölçekli bir kabaran yataklı ayırıcı (KYA)


In this study, pre-concentration possibilities of Murgul copper ore was investigated by using alaboratory scale teetered bed separator (TBS). Also effect of operational parameters on differentminerals in the ore was evaluated. Results indicated that silica removal achieved in high mass andrecovery before flotation. Gold and sulfur recoveries of TBS underflow was similar. An increasein pressure set point increases gold and sulfur recovery of TBS underflow. But an increase inteeter water rate decreases gold and sulfur recovery of TBS underflow. TBS tests were presentedsignificant results about behavior of different density minerals under hindered settling conditions.The TBS underflow product which has highest gold and sulfur recovery was subjected to shakingtable test as a pre concentrate. According to test results 11.63% of the shaking table feed canbe concentrated with 4.39 ppm gold grade and 64.42% recovery as a final concentrate. Theconcentrate has also a higher sulfur grade as 48.46%.


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