Varlığın Çobanı ya da Varlığın Duacısı: Martin Heidegger ve Nurettin Topçu Üzerine Düşünceler

The Shepherd of Being or the Prayer of Being: Some Remarks on Heidegger and Nurettin Topçu

Although there are radical differences between two philosophers, Martin Heidegger and Nurettin Topçu , both are united in not to have a modern way of thinking. When one looks carefully, it appears that the main concern of both thinkers is the question of being. The parallelism between two ideas, the one is Heidegger’s criticism of the Western metaphysical tradition expressed “forgetfulness of being” and the other Topçu’s criticism of the Eastern thought “forgetfulness of truth”, exposes serious similarities especially critics on epistemologies and ontologies produced by the modern way of thinking. Heidegger sees roots of the way of thinking forgets being in Plato. Turning to equalize truth and right, and reducing being to an idea, this approach constitutes the beginning of humanism. Despite thinking on a Platonic base, Topçu identifies poverty of the thinking advances in the antinomy of rationalism and empiricism, even desperate consequences expose humanity


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