I. Kant: An Outline of Modus Vivendi in the Possibility of 'Perpetual Peace'

I. Kant: An Outline of Modus Vivendi in the Possibility of 'Perpetual Peace'

What is the origin of the desire of a human being or a state to defeat or destroy respectively another human being or a state? In focus of the wars, it is regarded that the human nature and the “nature (mind) of the state” act in the same way. Basic factors such as dominating, governing and expanding come into prominence. Is it not possible to establish a world in which there is no conflict, war or genocides and a possible “perpetual peace” reigns? Kant, who is a philosopher of the period of enlightenment, has written his “Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch” in 1795 which aims the establishment of the peace on earth. For Kant human being is a sum of possibilities. Why cannot or does not human being strive for a possibility of a modus vivendi which will reveal the possibility of a process of perpetual peace, while exhibiting the possibility of fighting human being in every case? As an example of a practical philosophy for a human being who may exhibit the possibility of establishing a perpetual peace, Kant regards the “perpetual peace” possible on the ground of the international law. Peace can be ensured not as a temporary solution, a temporary way of living but as the possibility of a perpetual modus vivendi.


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