Turkish soap operas have scored great success both in the home country and also in Middle East and Balkan countries since 2000. Through these achievements, Turkish soap operas were exported over the value of 300 million dollars. Also soap operas were broadcasted more than 150 countries. Turkey, as being soap opera importer previously, evaluated these numbers as a great success. The success of Turkish series exports attracts the attention of academicians as well as series producers and exporters. Thus, in this article it is aimed to explain the reasons of the success of Turkish soap opera internationalization. Qualitative research is done on five firms exporting Turkish soap operas. According to the results of the study, the most important reasons of successful internationalization of Turkish soap operas are the cosmopolitan Turkish culture and the high quality of Turkish soap operas. However, the possibility of carrying this opportunity upwards was also achieved through proactive distribution. Proactive distribution has been realized as a result of marketing activities of distributors with high effort.


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