GIŞKalmuş Huh.Bi « Earring» in The Hittite Text

GIŞKalmuş Huh.Bi « Earring» in The Hittite Text

At the end of 1946 I sent an article entitled "La designation du Lituus en Hittite” to A. Goetze, the Editor of the Journal of Cuneiform Studies. The object of this article was to prove that the instrument called "lituus„ by the archeologists, which plays a prominent part in archeological representations, as a royal emblem, occurs also in the texts under the Hittite word Gişkalmuš. After receiving my paper Prof. Goetze kindly informed me that he himself had prepared an article on "The priestly Dress of the Hittite King„ and that his results were incompatible with mine. However he generously proposed to publish both papers, which deal largely with the same subject, in the same issue of the journal and to let the reader decide for himself.