Yüzyıllardır süren Kuzey Mezopotamya’nın sosyal ve ekonomik bütünlüğü, Büyük Savaşı Osmanlı İmparatorluğu için bitiren Mondros Mütarekesi’yle bozulmaya başlamış; beş yıl sonra da Lozan Antlaşmasıyla resmen parçalanmıştır. Yerli ve yabancı arşiv belgeleri ile telifler incelenince, Kuzey Mezopotamya’nın bir parçası olan Mardin Sancağı’nın bütünden ayrılması sürecinde etkili olan ve Türkçe literatürde hiç bahsedilmeyen bazı olaylar ve şahsiyetlerin bulunduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu süreçte meydana gelen olayların Sancağın aidiyetinin belirsizliğine sebep olduğu, oluşan belirsizlik nedeniyle şahsiyetlerin çıkarlarını korumak için sıkça taraf değiştirdiği veya çok taraflı oldukları, Nusaybin ve civarından pek çok kişinin Suriye’deki kısa ömürlü Arap Hükümeti’ne katıldığı, Sancak’taki Hristiyanların askere alınma korkusuyla İngiliz işgalindeki Musul’a kitlesel halde göçtükleri, Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti’nin Sancağı ele geçirmek için özel bir çaba sarf ettiği, Koçgiri İsyanı’nın yankısının Mardin’e ulaştığı, Iraklı ve Doğu Suriyeli şahsiyetlerin Sancağa gelip, Irak ve Doğu Suriye’deki işgale direnişlerini BMM Hükümeti’nin desteğiyle bir süre buradan yönettikleri, Resulayn-Nusaybin demiryolunun tamiri için Almanların Nusaybin’e geldiği ve Cizre’de Kürt ve Arap temsilcilerinin katıldığı başarısız bir Panislamizm konferansının yapıldığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca BMM’nde mebusluk yapan Necip (Güven) ile Abdurrezzak Şatana’nın daha önce Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti Mardin Şubesi’nin üyeleri oldukları, Heverki Konfederasyonu reisi Ali Bati’nin isyan etmeden önce İngilizlerle temas kurduğu fakat onlardan beklediği yardımı alamadığı, Fransız Binbaşı Robert Normand’ın Mardin’e gelmesinden önce iki Fransız subayın Mardin’e geldiği, Erzincanlı Pirizade Bekir’in Koçgiri İsyanı’nın devamında Mardin’i işgal ettiği ve Şeyh Muhammed Nuri El-Derşevi’nin Cizre'nin İngilizler ve Fransızlarca işgaline karşı halkı örgütlediği tesbit edilmiştir.


The aim of this study is to follow the process of Mardin Sanjak's separation from Northern Mesopotamia after the Armistice of Mudros, through some local events and personalities. For this purpose, the information obtained from British, American and Turkish archival documents has been completed with information obtained from English, Arabic and Turkish compilations, and events and personalities have been described impartially. It has been observed how far the local events and the actions of the personalities are reflected in the policies of the central government and even of foreign (Iraqi and Syrian) governments. Old photographs of some local personalities, which have not been published anywhere until now, were obtained from various sources and visuality was added to the work. The fact that the names of a few of the personalities were later given to the neighbourhoods, boulevards and schools in the Sanjak and its environs, by their families and local authorities, has been included as a footnote in the historical narrative. Until the beginning of the War of Independence, the Mardin Sanjak had commercial and social ties with the neighbouring Mosul Province and the Detached Deir el-Zor Governorate. Mosul-Nusaybin-Deir el-Zor were the main markets and supply centres of Northern Mesopotamia (al-Jazeera), which ensured the integrity of that region. However, the social and economic integrity of Northern Mesopotamia, which lasted for centuries, began to deteriorate with the Armistice, which ended the Great War for the Ottoman Empire; five years later, the region was officially dismembered by the Treaty of Lausanne. While the Province of Mosul remained in Iraq and the Governorship of Deir el-Zor remained in Syria, the Sanjak of Mardin remained in Turkey. At the end of the study, it was revealed that there were some events and personalities that were influential in the process of separating the Mardin Sanjak, which is a part of Northern Mesopotamia, from the whole and were never mentioned in the Turkish literature. It was seen that the events that took place in this process caused the uncertainty of the Sanjak's belonging; that individuals (e.g. Qaddur Beg and Ajaimi Sadoun Pasha) frequently changed sides or were multilateral in order to protect their interests due to the uncertainty; that many people from Nusaybin and its surroundings joined the short-lived Arab Government in Syria; that the Christians in the Sanjak migrated en masse to Mosul, which was occupied by the British, for fear of conscription; that the Kurdistan Elevation Society made a special effort to seize the Sanjak; that the echo of the Koçgiri Rebellion reached Mardin; that Iraqi and Eastern Syrian personalities, such as civilians Seyid Muhammed, Abdurrazzaq Munir, Said Haj Thabit, and Captains Jamil Muhammed, Abdulhamid al-Dubbuni and Amin al-Umari, came to the Sanjak and led their resistance to the occupation in Iraq and East Syria for a while with the support of the GNA Government; that the Germans came to Nusaybin for the repair of the Ras al-Ayn-Nusaybin railway; that an unsuccessful Pan-Islamism Conference was held in Cizre with the participation of Kurdish and Arab representatives; and that the GNA and the French Governments tried to expand their sovereignty around the Sanjak despite the Ankara Agreement. In addition, it has been determined that Necip (Güven) and Abdurrezzak Şatana, who were deputies at the GNA, were previously members of the Mardin Branch of the Kurdistan Elevation Society; that Ali Bati, the head of the Heverki Confederation, had contacted the British before he rebelled, but could not get the help he expected from them; that before the French Major Robert Normand came to Mardin, two French officers came to there; that Şakir Macar's company from Nusaybin provided fabric to dress the soldier whose clothes were very bad; that Pirizade Bekir from Erzincan occupied Mardin in the continuation of the Koçgiri Rebellion; that the Mayor (?) Kasım Çelebi, who was understood to be collaborating with the rebels in Mardin, put pressure on the Christians in the city, and the American Missionary Ms. Fenenga reported this pressure to the British and American authorities in Mosul; that Sheikh al-Sunusi made Pan-Islamist propaganda in the Sanjak and its environs; that Sheikh Muhammed Nuri al-Darshawi organized the people against the occupation of Cizre by the British and the French; and that Cevat Paşa, the commander of the al-Jazeera Front, had a mosque built in his name in Midyat, unlike what he did in Çanakkale.


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