Edinilen kaynaklara göre milattan önceki dönemlerde, 1350'li yıllarda ilk örneğine Mısır firavunu Tutankamun' un mezarında rastlanan trompetin köklerinin insanlık tarihine kadar uzanabileceği düşünülmektedir. Orta Asya'dan günümüze gelene kadar Türk kültürü içerisinde de çağlar boyunca aktif olarak bulunan trompet, bir iletişim aracı olarak kullanılmanın yanında fetihlerde askeri anlamda düşmana korku vererek özellikle Osmanlı İmparatorluğu zamanında zirve dönemini geçirmiştir. 17. yüzyılın ilk dönemlerinde Avrupa' da Monteverdi'nin eserleri ile senfonik orkestrayla tanışan trompet, barok dönem geldiğinde de dönemin bestecileri ve yorumcuları tarafından oldukça tercih edilen bir enstrüman olmaya başlamıştır. Ferdinand Kölbel tarafından geliştirilen ve dünya çapında yaygın olarak kullanılmakta olan piston sisteminin keşfi ile son halini almıştır. Dünya genelinde klasik müzikten popüler müziğe kadar geniş bir yelpazede yaygın olarak kullanılan trompet, çeşitli hayvan kabuklarından üretilmiş düz bir boru olarak başladığı serüvenine, günümüzde gelişen teknolojinin de yardımı ile tüm ekonomik seviyelerde ulaşılabilecek piston sistemli halini almıştır. Araştırma kapsamında elde edinilen verilerin toplanmasında nitel yöntemlerden doküman analizi tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu araştırmada, trompetin ilk ortaya çıktığı zamandan günümüze gelene kadar olan gelişim sürecinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Belirlenen bu amaç neticesinde trompetin göstermiş olduğu gelişim süreçleri ayrıntılı şekilde incelenmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edinilen bulguların ve sonuçların, trompet eğitimi alan öğrencilere, eğitimcilere, akademik çalışmalar yapan bilim insanlarına ve konu ile ilgili bireylere faydalı bir kaynak olması hedeflenmiştir.

An Investigation on the Historical Development of the Trumpet

According to the sources obtained, it is thought that the origins of the trumpet, the first example of which was found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankamun in the 1350s, may date back to the history of mankind. The trumpet, which has been active in the Turkish culture for ages, from Central Asia to the present day, has been used as a means of communication, in addition to being used by the military in the conquest of fear, especially during the period of the Ottoman Empire. The trumpet, which met the works of Monteverdi and symphonic orchestra in Europe in the early 17th century, has become a highly preferred instrument by the composers and performers of the period when the baroque period came. It took its final form with the discovery of the piston system which was developed by Ferdinand Kölbel and is used worldwide. The trumpet, which is widely used in a wide range from classical music to popular music throughout the world, has started its adventure as a straight pipe made of various animal shells. With the help of today’s developing technology, it has become a piston system that can be reached by people of all economic levels. The trumpet made the most important gain from its development to this day with its ability to perform all the music genres that exist in the world. This feature is the biggest gain of the development of the instrument. It can be inferred that the future developments of the instrument will benefit the popularity and usability of it. Qualitative methods and the document analysis technique were used to collect the data obtained within the scope of this research. In this study, it is aimed to determine the development process from the time the trumpet first appeared to the present day. The trumpet became the symbol of military order and ostentation, especially in the Roman period. It is known that kings and legionnaires kept trumpet players, especially in their own military assemblies, in the status of high class maids. The high number of people playing the trumpet causes the volume of sound produced to be high and this causes the power indicator to be more direct. Based on this situation, the importance of the trumpet and people that play the trumpet during this period can be observed. With the realization of inventions that allow the bending of metal structures at the end of the medieval period, the straight pipe bending and gaining a longer and ergonomic structure enabled the trumpet to be more useful. It can be concluded that this situation also facilitates trumpet playing and the use of the instrument is relaxed. Along with the new age, aesthetic and art anxiety has reached high levels with the reforms that regulate social life, especially in Western Europe. As the importance of the phenomenon of art increases rapidly, the role and effectiveness of the trumpet in the orchestras increased. The emergence of different playing techniques has allowed the instrument to be played by wider audiences. Educational activities have become widespread and the result of the writing of trumpet methods has resulted in the widespread use of the instrument, especially in Europe. In this context, the trumpet continued its development with the development of the piston system and the spread of teaching techniques, allowing the passages in important works to be attributed to it. It can be concluded that the trumpet is an aesthetically important element in art movements. In its technological development, the 21st century in particular made positive contributions regarding the rapid change, production and spread of trumpet. It is now possible to produce trumpets, which were previously made by hand, from factories. One of the positive contributions of these developments is that there are trumpets that are offered for sale, at a low economical level, especially from the far east market. This makes it easier for individuals of all economic levels to acquire a trumpet. When the studies conducted are analyzed, the development processes of the instruments have been revealed historically, and it has been concluded that these changes on the instruments have reached an even wider composer and audience base. In this article, which is the first organological study on the trumpet instrument, it can be concluded that trumpet has been used by many societies since its inception, and has been used in almost all musical forms. The findings and results obtained from the research are aimed to be a useful resource for students, educators, academic scholars and individuals involved in trumpet education.


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