Er Töştük (Töstik) Anlatıları Bağlamında Tokpay-Bay ve Karaglış Masallarının Mukayeseli İncelemesi

Türk kültür geleneğinin ürettiği son derece önemli sözlü edebiyat ürünleri vardır. Bunlardan bazısı diğerlerine göre daha çok beğenilir, yayılır ve hacmini büyütmeye devam eder. Bir yandan hacmini büyüten hikâye, yer yer kendisini kısa ve yoğun anlatım biçimlerine çevirerek daha çok masallaşmış halde karşımıza çıkar. Türk dünyasında bu türden sözlü kültür ürünlerinden birisi Er Töştük’tür. Dünyanın en önemli destanlarından biri haline gelecek kadar yayılan ve hacmini genişleten metin, diğer yandan da kısa, seri ve yoğun içerikli anlatmalar haline gelerek masal biçiminde ortaya çıkmaya başlar. Potanin ve Vasiliyev tarafından tespit edilen iki Kazak varytantı Tokpay-bay ve Karaglış masallarıdır. Bugüne kadar her iki masal metnini mukayeseli konu alan bir çalışma yapılmadığı için Er-Töştük literatürüne katkı sunmak için çeviri-metinlerle birlikte bir etüt yapılmıştır. Mukayeseli incelemenin verdiği neticeye göre Karaglış, Tokpay-Bay’a göre iç ahengi tutarlı ve tam bir masal örneğidir. Buna karşılık Tokpay-Bay masalı tam olarak masallaşamamış fakat büyük bir metnin özeti halinde sunulmaya çalışılmış gibidir. Çünkü olay halkaları bakımından Er-Töştük’e en yakın olanıdır.

Comparative Analysis of Tokpay-Bay and Karaglıš Tales in the Context of Er Töštük (Töstı̇k) Narratives

The Turkish cultural tradition has produced extremely important products of oral literature. Some of them are more popular than others, and they have spread and continue to grow in number. On the one hand, the story that grows in volume sometimes transforms into short and compressed narrative forms and appears in the form of a fairy tale. Narrative varies according to the places where it is performed. Sometimes it takes the micro-cultural elements of the region where it is performed, sometimes it gains or loses details; thus the length of the text changes. One of the products of this kind of oral culture in the Turkic world is the Er Töştük. Er Töştük, which is a part of the Manas epic, has had the form of an epic in time. It has become one of the largest and most important texts in the Turkish narrative tradition. Thus, like the Manas Epic, Dede Korkut Stories, Köroğlu Epic and Alpamış, it has become one of the remarkable products of folk literature both in the Turkic world and all over the world. . The text, which has become one of the most important epics of the world and has expanded its volume, on the other hand, begins to appear in the form of fairy tales by becoming short, serial and dense narratives. Until today, many variants of Er Töştük narratives, both prose and verse, have been identified. The first identifications were made by V. Radloff. Later, Vasiliyev, Potanin, Erika Taube collected fairy tale variants of Er Töştük story from different Turkic tribes. Although comparative studies have often been conducted on Er Töştük narratives, there is no comparative study on the two tales. The two Kazakh variants identified by Potanin and Vasiliyev are the tales of Tokpay-bay and Karaglış. Potanin published two Er-Töştük tales in 1916. One of them is Er-Tustuk son of Bulat-pay and the other is Ir-Tustuk son of Tokpay-bay. The full text of Tokpay-bay has not been published in Turkish before. Likewise, the fairy tale of Karaglış, compiled by Vasiliyev in 1898, has not been published in full text in Turkish. In addition to publishing both tales in full text in Turkish, the study includes a comparative analysis of the plot, cast of characters and motifs. Since there has been no comparative study of both fairy tale texts to date, a study was carried out together with the translated texts in order to contribute to the Er-Töştük literature. As a result of the analysis, some results were obtained. Tokpay-bay fairy tale has inconsistencies between episodes. The motif that comes into play in one episode does not fulfill its function and does not come up again in other episodes. On the other hand, it contains details that are not common in fairy tales, such as the socio-cultural structure of the places mentioned in the narrative. It has a content and style closer to the epic versions of Er Töştük narratives. In this respect, the text could not become a fairy tale. But Karaglish tale is not like Tokpay-bay. If a motif comes into play, it necessarily makes the reader/listener feel its vitality; there are no dull and dysfunctional motifs. The narration is extremely dense and fast in the event circles. There are no dialogues that delay the action, no details that prolong the process. Whatever needs to happen in the episodes, the plot does it immediately. In the narrative, which proceeds very rapidly, all motifs are consistent with each other and the internal harmony between the episodes is complete. The tale of Tokpay-Bay is not a complete tale, but it seems to be an attempt to present it as a summary of a large text. Because it is the closest to Er-Töştük in terms of event rings. In terms of mythological influences and manifestation, both are part of the fantastic world. Everything is extraordinary, mythical creatures are constantly involved, there is no room for the ordinary. However, these tales are also examples of heroic tales. The main thing is for the hero to succeed. Whereas in Tokpay-bay the hero fails only once, in Karaglış the hero succeeds in every endeavor and defeats every enemy. Nevertheless, it is heroism that characterizes the hero in Tokpay-bay. The narrative does not give the impression that Er-Tustuk will fail at anything he tries his hand at, or that he will lose completely.Both tales show the change and transformation of narratives in Turkish culture through a single narrative. In addition, these narratives show the mythology, narrative traditions, stylistic features, motifs of different Turkic tribes in two texts in the Kazakh field as an example that Turkish culture is a whole.


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