Integration and urban mobility of migrant women: Pilot project findings based on knowledge and experience transfer

This study tries to understand the diffculties migrant women are facing within the city of immigration and the physical barriers in front of their integration to the city. As important parameters to measure the level of integration to the city are public space use and urban mobility taken. The original is the integration of a model from Berlin to Istanbul to provide behavioral and perceptive changes in migrant women´s use and awareness of public spaces. This process has the quality of a pilot project, where social and economic integration to the city is ensured via increasing the urban mobility of migrant women. The social exclusion of women is inherently not just because they are alien to the city and its social, economic system or its physical structuring; but it is more about they remain alien to the city and all the processes related to it. The feld study is undertaken by mix-social research methodologies, which we choose to call as Participatory Action towards Experience Transfer (PATET). The analytical outcomes of this process, the path of solution offering, and policy suggestions are tried to be explained in this paper.


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