Restructuring of University Laboratories within the Scope of Occupational Health and Safety

Laboratory safety is major of importance to occupational health and safety, which manages, and responds to all issues and concerns surrounding physical, biological, ergonomic, electrical, chemical, and other standard operating procedures.  In this work, laboratory design and equipment, which are arranged according to precautions that are taken against to all hazards regarding to work environment or personal expose at the work environments in laboratories that are already exist or will be established in universities, are discussed according to legislation and regulations of Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331. In addition, some examples of Occupational Health and Safety applications of leading university laboratories in the world are given.

Restructuring of University Laboratories within the Scope of Occupational Health and Safety

Laboratory safety is major of importance to occupational health and safety, which manages, and responds to all issues and concerns surrounding physical, biological, ergonomic, electrical, chemical, and other standard operating procedures. In this work, laboratory design and equipment, which are arranged according to precautions that are taken against to all hazards regarding to work environment or personal expose at the work environments in laboratories that are already exist or will be established in universities, are discussed according to legislation and regulations of Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331. In addition, some examples of Occupational Health and Safety applications of leading university laboratories in the world are given.


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