Microplastic Release from Domestic Washing

Microplastic Release from Domestic Washing

Plastics have been used by human beings in a wide variety of materials. Recently, microplastics, either primary or secondary, areencountered in different part of the environment on a global scale. One of the common type of microplastic is micro fiber. Microfibersare known to be released from washing of textile materials. The amount of released fiber varies depending on the washing conditionsand fiber characterization. Microplastics can be harmfull for aquatic organisms. Moreover, because long term effect of microplastic isunclear, the situation about microplastic is unpredictable at the future. Therefore, it is aimed in this study to evaluate the release ofmicrofiber from domestic laundry washing operations. 5 washing cycles were studied with domestic type washing machine. Fiberrelease per washing and kg washed textile material were determined according to the results of the gravimetric analysis. According tothe results, cotton textile materials have a higher shedding tendency than synthetic polyester materials. Fiber release varied from 13.1mg/kg to 15.66 mg/kg depending on % blend of washed textile materials. Most of the fibers were trapped with 100 µm filter,suggesting most of the fibers released from washing in the range of 100-200 µm.


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