Risklere ve risklerin bilimsel olarak nasıl ele alınacağına artan ilginin ışığında, gerekli politikaların belirlenmesi ve maruz kaldığımız risklerin kontrol altına alınması, tekrarlama oranlarının düşürülmesi ve bunun sonucunda oluşan kayıpların etkisinin azaltılmasına odaklanarak; Bu sorunu uygun araştırma ve çalışma ile ele almak bu gün ve çağda acil bir ihtiyaç haline geldi. Araştırmacı, bu konuda çeşitli sonuçlara ulaştı, en önemlilerinden: vakıflarda riskleri yönetme sürecinde dikkate alınan tüm riskleri analiz etmek ve ortaya çıkmalarını önlemenin yollarını düşünmek gerekir; Vakıfları çeşitli aşamalarda etkileyen zorlukları veya tehditleri, gerçekleştiklerinde karşılığında çaresiz kalmamak için önceden tespit etmenin önemi; Vakıftaki risklerin ele alınması, kaynakların kıtlığı ve önemi ile vakıfların hedeflerini dikkate alarak önceliklerin belirlenmesini gerekliliği; Beklenen hasarı azaltabilecek ve meydana gelmesinin etkileriyle başa çıkmak için acil durum planları sağlayabilecek etkili stratejilere sahip olmak gereklidir.


In light of the increasing interest at the present time regarding risks and how to deal with risks in a sound scientific manner, identifying necessary policies and controlling risks we are exposed to, reducing their recurrence rates, and reducing the impact of consequent losses; it has become an urgent need in this day and age to address this problem with proper research and study. This research aims to find solutions to the risks that threaten charitable institutions in terms of their survival, stability and development, and how we can take precautions against risks with proper Sharia-approved checkpoints, and with an advanced system that keeps pace with the emerging risks that threaten the survival and sustainability of the charitable institutions. The research attempts to take an integrated and organized approach the elimination of risks in a charitable institution, and reduction of dangers that threaten it. The study explains how an organized and systematic mechanism is established to study and identify risks, whether they are realized or possible. The study also attempts to answer the question of whether there is a way to address the risks surrounding the charitable institution, taking into account the large number of losses and loopholes that the charitable institution is exposed to. The researcher reached several results, the most important of which are the following: it is necessary to analyze all the risks taken into account in the process of managing risks in charitable institutions, and think about ways to prevent their occurrence; It is necessary to identify the challenges or threats that affect the charitable institutions at various stages, so as not to be unable to deal with them when they are realized; And that addressing the risks in the charitable institution requires setting priorities, taking into account the scarcity and importance of resources, as well as the goals of charitable institutions; It is necessary to have effective strategies capable of reducing the expected damage and providing contingency plans to deal with the effects of its occurrence.


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