Evaluation of the Content of National News Reflected on the Internet about Covid-19 Pandemic

Evaluation of the Content of National News Reflected on the Internet about Covid-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus, which started in China and spreads almost all over the world, and whose source is not known exactly, but is regarded as illegally sold, can have a fatal effect on humans. Today, the number of people caught with coronavirus (Covid-19) is rapidly increasing. In order to eliminate this disease caused by the coronavirus, quarantine applications are carried out in many countries, curfews, curfews out of the country or out of the city, wear a mask, etc. Health professionals work day and night. However, the vaccine of the coronavirus has still not been found. In response to this situation, the World Health Organization has declared the Covid-19 epidemic as a pandemic. This study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the national news published in digital media regarding the coronavirus, which is declared as a pandemic worldwide. For this purpose, the keywords “Coronavirus, Koronavirüs, Covid-19, Pandemi, Covid 19, Kovid-19” were entered into the Google search engine. January 1, 2020-May 1, 2020 during the ten newspaper archives can be accessed on the number of the highest circulation national news website in Turkey, 150 news content was evaluated. In the study, content analysis, one of the qualitative research techniques, was used to analyze the data. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the most handled issues regarding Covid-19 in the news sites of the related newspapers are general information about Covid-19, about the current situation in Turkey coronavirus, the effects of coronavirus and that the coronavirus in the world, respectively. It has been determined that the least discussed issues in the news sites of the related newspapers are: the statements of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the coronavirus, the criticisms about the corona virus, post-pandemic life and coronavirus data presented in famous individuals.


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