Çanakkale Savaşı sadece ülkemizin değil tüm bölgenin ve Yunanistan’ın siyasi 


Atatürk was a carismatic leader, with countless success and genious, closely rebuilt the Turkish nation and left his mark on 20th and 21st centuries. Since his birth, Atatürk had been given many names, attributions and titles by local and foreign persons and institutions, as a consequence of his practices. The attributions and the epithets which imputed to Atatürk, were identified with him and took place in memories of humanity. Atatürk’s life had always been attracted attention and subjected to numerous researchs. In this research, the given names from “Mustafa” to “Atatürk” and the supplemental attributions, titles, compliments and epithets are tried to be identified by paying regard to the place, time and people; the reasons of the names are going to be synthesised by using bibliograpy. Atatürk has acquired something hard to come by to anyone by getting numerous attributions and titles with his practices, like nobody had. It is thought that it would be appropriate to determine the titles and/or epithets, make sense out of them and bring into open the stories of acquiring them. 


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  • Gazete
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