ÖZETDeğişik toprak derinliklerindeki faydalı rutubetin belirli oranlaradüştüğünde yapılan sulamalar büzlerde yetiştirilen iki yıllıkyoncaların 0-20 cm. derinlikteki kök ağırlıkları bu köklerin kimyasal" yapı ve yedek besin maddelerinin ağırlık ve oranları (ham proteinoranı hariç) arasında %i ihtimal sınır/arı içerisinde çok önemlifarklılıklar hasıl etmiştir.Kök ağırlığına bağlı olarak topraktaki faydalı rutubet oranı% O' dan % 50 seviyesine arttıkça yapılan sulamalarda köklerinkimyasal yapı ve yedek besin maddeleri miktarı da artmış, /~ 75 seviyesindetekrar azalmıştır. Ancak oran olarak kimyasal yapı ve yedekbesin maddeleri oldukça değişik bir trend arzetmıştir.Sulanan toprak derinliği de kök ağırlığı ve kökün kimyasalyapı ve yed~k besin maddelerine etkili olmuş, sulanan toprak derinliğiyüzeyden itibaren aşağılara inildikçe bu maddelerin miktarlarıazalmıştır. Kuru madde, ham protein, ham seıüıoz, ham kül, etherekstrakt ııe elverişli karbonhidrat oranlarında ise sulama derinliğininetkisi değişik olmuştur.SUMMARYThe Cumulative Effects of Frequency and Rale of Irrigation on Amounts, and the Chemica! Constituents andFood Reserves of Roots.This research was conducted toinvestigate the exfects of frequencyand rate of irrigation on amount,and the chemical composition, andfood reserves in the alfalfa roots whichwere grown in water-proof cylindricalconcrete pots protected from rain.Those pots which were 30 diameter and 100 cm deep wereembeded in soiI with a randomizedblock design, replicated four times.Differences in frequency of irrigationwere determined 0-20 cm.,and 50-80 cm. soiI levels. Differencesin rate of irrigation were obtainedby varying percentage of soil moisture(O %, 25 %, 50 %, and 75 %) at eachsoil level.There were, therefore, 12 combinationsof treatments plus a controlreceiving only incident ra,in fall.All treatments cut at the end ofbud stage. Two cuttings were madein 1966 and four in 1967.At the end of the experimentthe roots in the pots were divided into0-20 cm., 20-50 cm, and 50-80 cutting. Each part of roots whichobtained at the different depth of potswere washed, dried at 78°e and putin the aluıniniumcups for analyzing ofdry matter, crude protein, cellul03e,ash and etber extract and totalavailable carbohydrates.The following results were obtainedfrom this experiment:ı. The effect ofthe different frequencyand rate of water supply on theamounts and the ehemical constituents,and food reserves at the 0-20 cm. depthof alfalfa roots was significanL2. The amounts, and chemiealeonstituents, and food reserves of alfalfaroots were increased in weight in thedecreased depth of irrigated soil byinereasing avaible moisture fromO% to 50 %'3. The irrigation regimes effeetedthe rate of ehemieal eonstituentsand food reserves differently.The rate of ether extract, andtotal avaibIe earbolıydrates increasedin general, but dry matter -decreasedand there were no effect on crudeprotein, cellulose and ash in the rootsby inereasing avaible water -from 0%to 50 %'The rate of dry matter and crudeaslı decreased,but crude cellulose inereasedand crude proteiıı and totalavaibIe earbohydrates were not ehangedwitlı deeper irrigation.4. In order to maintain a goodstand at the limited root growth condüions,it may be reeomended to irrigatewhen the 50 % of avaible wateris present in the 0-50 cm. depth of soiI.
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