Bu çalışmada Rusça ve Türkçedeki ön ek kavramı incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Türkçede ön ek olmaması sebebiyle, onun yerine ön ek sayılabilecek pekiştirme sıfatı ekleri ve yabancı dillerden geçmiş ön ekler verilmiş, Rusçadaki fiil ön eklerinden “в-, во-” öne eki ile karşılaştırılarak nasıl fiil türetildiği anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Rusça, Türkçe, ön ek, isim, fiil. Abstract In this study, the concept of prefix in Russian and Turkish was tried to be examined. Because of the lack of a prefix in the Turkish language, it has been replaced by prefixes and prefixes from foreign languages that can be considered as prefixes. The verbs Russian are compared with the prefixes. It has been tried to explain how the verbs are derived from the prefix “в-, во-”. 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Rusça, Türkçe, ön ek, isim

The Concept of Prefix İn Russian and Turkish Languages, Comparison of the Prefix “До” With Turkish Language

In this study, the concept of prefix in Russian and Turkish was tried to be examined. Because of the lack of a prefix in the Turkish language, it has been replaced by prefixes and prefixes from foreign languages that can be considered as prefixes. The verbs Russian are compared with the prefixes. It has been tried to explain how the verbs are derived from the prefix “в-, во-”.In this study, the concept of prefix in Russian and Turkish was tried to be examined. Because of the lack of a prefix in the Turkish language, it has been replaced by prefixes and prefixes from foreign languages that can be considered as prefixes. The verbs Russian are compared with the prefixes. It has been tried to explain how the verbs are derived from the prefix “в-, во-”.


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