Arnold J.Toynbee Ve James Bryce’ni̇n Hazırladığı "Treatment Of The Armenians In The Ottoman Empi̇re (1915-1916)” Adlı Ki̇tap Üzeri̇ne

Bu kitap, "A Study Of History ve The Westem Question in Greece and Turkey"'in yazarı İngiliz tarihçisi Amold J. Toynbee ve James Bryce tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Arnold J. Toynbee 1915 Çanakkale ve 1921'de I. ve II. İnönü Savaşlarına savaş muhabiri olarak katılmıştır. İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanlığı adına da görev yapmıştır. PRO. W. 0.104 serisi incelendiği zaman bu görülecektir. Kendisi mutaassıp bir Hıristiyan olarak tanınır. Bu kitabın diğer editörü James Bryce'a gelince; I. Dünya Savaşı esnasında İngiltere'nin ABD nezdinde büyükelçilik görevinde bulunmuş, hukuk profesörüdür. İngiliz parlamenterliği yapmış olup, Osmanlı Ermenileri'nin eskiden beri yandaşlık bilinciyle yaşayıp savunucularından biri olmuştur.

The history of Turkish Revelation (1919-1923) has explicitly an important segment within the general Turkish history. In so far the studies that have done, obstructed the genuine information from the consisted documents off the records of the Great Turkish National Assembly, archaically manuscripts, news papers and magazines, published in the Republican area, official statistics and other sources. It therefore can be suggested that the history of Turkish revelation more extremely covers up the historical events considering the vast quantity of the original documents. It also should be stated that the Turkish revolutionary history has an essential advantage within the genuine documents comparing with the rest of the Turkish history. As a result of these abundant historical sources, a researcher has always a choice of documents for a devised studies. One of the most important sources for Turkish Republican history İs named as “Ayın Tarihi” -The history of the month-. It first published in the September of 1923. It has a long duration of publishing comparing with the other magazines of the Turkish history. It contains an essential clues for the Turkish social, fiscal and political life within the republican area. It has also deals with the foreign policy of the republican administrative body. In the devised study the magazine will be scrutinized considering the index of the subjects between the issues of 1 till 86 which were published within the years of 1923-1931.


  • Bryce, James ve Toynbee, Arnold, The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (1915-1916), London, 2000.
  • Wood, M. Henry, Correspondent of the American "United Press" at Constantinople puplished in Amerikan Press, 14 August 1915, s.43.
  • Archives des Affaires Etrangeres France, Serle Levant 1918-1929 Sous Serle Armenia, Val.2, Fallo 47.