Throughout the history, three industrial revolutions have taken place in the past. The first industrial revolution was realized by the use of steam systems. When we look at the second industrial revolution, production efficiency has increased with the widespread use of petroleum and the development of production band systems. The third industrial revolution has come to the stage by rapid development in the field of electricity-electronics, computer and internet, called as an information revolution. This information society brought the latest industrial revolution which is referred to as Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 can be described as the ability of machine power to take the place of human power and to automatically manage the production processes and it is not only important in terms of achieving sustainable economic growth in Turkey but also a great opportunity to achieve the level of developed countries. In this study, the fourth industrial revolution was tried to be explained by its basic concepts. The study also examined R&D and communication indicators Turkish economy from the perspective of the Industry 4.0.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Industry 4.0, R&D


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