İrabda Mahalli Olmayan Cümleler - Ferra Örneği (ö. 207)

Araştırma irabda yer olmayan cümleleri, böyle bir olgunun varlığının kesin
Anahtar Kelimeler:

İ'rab, el-Ferra

Parsing of Sentences that Have no Place to Express – The Sample of al-Farra 207H

This research deals with roots of sentences declension especially the sentences that hasn’t a place at al-Farra works (207 AH), due to he is the first grammarian declaring the term. the search deals with terms used by AL-Farra to indicate to the sentence, , and then deals with sentences that has no place, such as: Renewal or Introductive sentence, Inserted sentence, Explicative sentence, Answer of the oath sentence, Bond of conjunction sentence, Answer of the condition sentence, attracted sentence.


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