The Hydro development started in the 1960s with building 3 major dams in the upstream section of the Sakarya River. During the 1980s the development of the floodplain sections of the river had its onset. Under these altered conditions Huso huso, Acipenser nudiventris, and Acipenser sturio disappeared from the river until the 1980s but Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, as well as Acipenser stellatus, were shown to still reproduce in the remaining section of the river by 2013. The construction of three additional HEPPs begun in the river section below Pamukova, blocking migration and cutting off major spawning sites. While fish passage facilities were included in the construction of the HEPPs since the 1980s, their design and location, as well as the maintenance rendered them completely dysfunctional. A survey was carried out in the remaining free flowing section of the lower river in 2014 to determine fish community composition and water quality at 4 stations below Adasu HEPP. While a few A. gueldenstaedtii juveniles were observed in Sakarya River mouth close to the Black Sea, only one young-of-the- (YOY) (A. stellatus; W:25g; TL:28cm) was reported which was captured from the Lower Sakarya River.


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