Inter-observer compliance in the SurePath liquid-based cervicovaginal smears diagnosed with epithelial cell abnormality

Inter-observer compliance in the SurePath liquid-based cervicovaginal smears diagnosed with epithelial cell abnormality

Aim: To assess compliance among observers in the investigation of the liquid-based cervicovaginal smears that were reported epithelial cell abnormality in the Okmeydanı ERH Pathology laboratory.Material and Methods: 5,250 SurePath liquid-based cervicovaginal smears, which were sent by the pathology laboratory during the period of 5 months, were scanned. One-hundred and twenty-seven smears diagnosed with the epithelial cell abnormality were included in the study, and were reexamined by three pathologists. The Bethesda2001 system was used for evaluation. One of the experts had more experience in SurePath liquid-based cytology than the experience of the others.Results: There were significant differences between the three physicians because of the Friedman test (p = 0.000) that was applied for the comparison of the reports in 127 smears examined by three experienced experts in SurePath liquid-based cytology. In binary comparison with the Wilcoxon test that was applied to find out the differences among expert pathologists, there was no significant difference between the reports of the two expert pathologists (p = 0.366); however, it was found that there was a significant difference between the pathologist who had more experience and other specialist pathologists (p = 0.000).Conclusion: Moderate compliance was determined between pathologists 1 and 2, and low-level compliance was determined between pathologists 1-2 and 3.


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