New Procedural Rules Of The Turkish Commercial Code

Öz AbstractDespite criticism questioning the suitability of having procedural rules within a code providing for substantive norms of law, the introduction of procedural rules into the Turkish Commercial Code has pragmatic aspects: regulating its institutions, making room for current preferences of law policy and contextually specifying how a right would be put into effect. The provisions of the new Turkish Commercial Code will continually be construed by various actors taking into account also the case-law on how an issue should be heard and resolved by the courts. In disputes related to commercial law, generally a lot is at stake such that not only an applicable norm, but also any “relevant” norm needs to be interpreted in a sound manner. The belief underlying this article is that comprehension of the 2011 Turkish Commercial Code in respect of the amendment to rules related to civil procedure supports clarity in commercial law; those rules govern whether and how a right is enacted upon in a judicial avenue and the manner in which a court intervenes to the institutions of commercial law.


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