Kronik “İşgal et” hareketi üzerine


  • Colvin, Naomi ve Phillips, Bryn (2011), “Occupy London is 50 days old – now it's time to Occupy Everywhere “, 50-days-everywhere, (04.12.2011).
  • DiMaggio, Anthony (2011), “A Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street Alliance?,, (05.12.2011).
  • Express Dergisi (2012), “Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde Starbucks İşgali: Kamusal Bir Alan Yaratmak İçin”, Söyleşi, Ocak 2012, Sayı: 125.
  • Hardt, Michel ve Negri, Antonio (2011), “Aşağı Manhattan’daki Meydan İşgali, Temsilin Başarısızlığından Söz Ediyor”,, (16.10.2011).
  • Hughes, Neil (2011), “‘Young People Took to the Streets and all of a Sudden All of the Political Parties Got Old’: The 15M Movement in Spain”, Social Movement Studies, 10 (4): 407-413.
  • Kocagöz, Umut (2012), “Karşı İşgal Deneyimi: Neo-Liberalizm ve Kamusal”,, (31.01.2012).
  • Lobel, Jules (2011), “The Future of the Occupy Movement,”, (06.12.2011).
  • Maeckelbergh, Marianne (2011), “Doing is Believing: Prefiguration as Strategic Practice in the Alterglobalization Movement”, Social Movement Studies, 10 (01): 1-20.
  • McDonald, Kevin (2002), “From Solidarity to Fluidarity: Social Movements Beyond 'Collective Identity'--The Case of Globalization Conflicts”, Social Movement Studies, 1 (2): 109-128.
  • Patankar, Prachi ve Kadirgamar, Ahilan (2012), “Occupy Wall Street Where Next?”,, (02.01.2012).
  • Pleyers, Geoffrey (2010), Alter-Globalization, Becoming Actor in a Global Age, (Cambrige: Polity Press).
  • Roos, Jerome (2011), “Occupy Homes Lauds A Radical New Phase For the Movement”,, (03.12.2011).
  • Weisbrot, Mark (2011), “Americas Conscience is on the Streets”,, (06.12.2011).
  • Yıldırım, Yavuz (2011), “Avrupalı Hareketlerin İsyanı Sürüyor”,, (03.10.2011).