Türk Kelâmcıları İbn Kemâl (1468-1534) ve Mustafa Sabri'de (1860-1954) Kader Problemi ve Anlambilim Açısından Bir Değerlendirme

The Problem of Predestination in Turkish theologians Ibn Kemal (1468-1534)and Mustafa Sabri (1860-1954) and A Consideration ofSemantics.

The Problem of Predestination in Turkish theologians Ibn Kemal andMustafa Sabri and A Consideration ofSemantics.Ibn Kemal and MustafaSabri solved the problem of predestination according to their theological methods. whichhas theabstract character of rationalism. This caused some negative implications. For the classical solutionsare not functional for our theological problems and havesome negative implications, semanticmethodmaybe used instead