Târîh-i Osmânî Encümeni Kurucularýndan Efdaleddin (Tekiner) Beyin Hayatý, Eserleri ve Tarihçiliði Üzerine

Tarih, konusu itibariyle pek çok insaný gerek okur gerekse yazar olarak kendisine çekmiþ bir bilim dalýdýr. Bu bilim dalý çerçevesinde gerçekleþen faaliyete yalnýzca okur olarak katký saðlamýþ olanlarýn ya da okuduklarýný sözlü olarak kullanýp birilerine aktarmakla yetinmiþ olanlarýn bir dereceye kadar zihinlerde yer etmemiþ olmalarý doðaldýr. Kanaatimizce tarihi yapanlarýn ve yazanlarýn unutulmalarý ise o kadar kolay olmamalýdýr. Özellikle tarihî bilgilerin nesilden nesile aktarýlmasýnda en önemli rolü üstlenen tarih yazarlarýnýn -aralarýnda tarihçilik anlayýþý bakýmýndan farklýlýklar olmakla birlikte- dikkate alýnmasý bir zorunluluk gibidir.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Târîh-i, Osmânî, Encümeni

Life, Works and Historical Views of Efdaleddin (Tekiner) Bey, One of the Founders of Council of the Ottoman History

of Council of the Ottoman History. This study discusses life, works and historical views ofEfdaleddin Bey, who was one of the founding members of the Council of the Ottoman History(Târîh-i Osmânî Encümeni), which contributed to inception of historical studies in the contemporarysense in the Ottoman era. In addition to his official duties, Efdaleddin Bey taught history andgeography in a number of schools. His national historical awareness was very strong. He alwaysadvocated preservation of all material and intangible cultural values of the Ottoman era, and heassumed various positions in governmental and non-governmental organization working in thisfield. In the republic era, he served as a member of the Turkish Historical Society for an extendedperiod. His works are remarkable in that they served as the precursors of scientific methods withrespect to the way historical materials are evaluated, resourced are used and documents are handled,etc