Determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the seeds of Heliotropium europaeum by GC-MS

Bu çalışmada, Köprübaşı (Diyarbakır-Türkiye) den toplanan Heliotropium europaeum L. bitkisinin tohumlarından elde edilen alkaloit ekstresi GC-MS ile analiz edilmiştir. Tohumlarda total pirolizidin alkaloidi miktarı % 0.28, tersiyer bazların miktarı ise % 0.02 olarak bulunmuştur. Total alkaloit miktarının % 92.86 sini N-oksitleri oluşturmaktadır. Total alkaloit ve tersiyer baz fraksiyonlarındaki alkaloitler europin, heliotrin, supinin, heleurin, lasiokarpin ve 7-angelilheliotrin olarak teşhis edilmiştir.

Heliotropium europaeum tohumlarında GC-MS ile pirolizidin alkaloitlerinin tayini

In the current research, alkaloid extract obtained from the seeds of Heliotropium europaeum L. collected from Köprübaşı (Diyarbakır, Turkey) was analysed by using GC-MS method. The total pyrrolizidine alkaloid and tertiary base content of the seeds of Heliotropium europaeum were found to be 0.28 % and 0.02 % respectively. Higher percentage of alkaloids were present as N-oxides (92.86 % of the alkaloids). Alkaloids found in the tertiary base fraction and total alkaloid fraction were identified as europine, heliotrine, supinine, heleurine, lasiocarpine and 7-angelylheliotrine


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