Polonyalı Yazar Stefan Żeromski’nin "Erken Bahar" Başlıklı Romanı Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Stefan Żeromski 1864-1925 Polonya devletinin yeni kurulduğu özgürlük yıllarında kaleme aldığı “Erken Bahar” romanı ile dönemin politik-toplumsal olaylarına değinirken ülkesinin geleceğine dair tehlikelere dikkat çekmek ister. Özellikle Polonya’da ortaya çıkma ihtimalinin olduğunu düşündüğü Rusya’daki 1917 yılı komünist devriminin olumsuz yönleri üzerinde durur. Ülkedeki olumsuzlukları gidermeye yönelik ortaya çıkan programlar hakkında eleştirilerini ortaya koyar. Yayınlandığı yıllarda büyük tartışmalara yol açar. Polonya toplumunun savaş sonrası toplumsal-politik yapısını gösteren önemli eserlerden biridir.

Analysis on Polish Writer Stefan Żeromski’s Novel “Early Spring”

Stefan Żeromski 1864-1925 was a Polish writer and journalist, nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature in 1924. He began writing short stories and drafts for novels. The appearance of Żeromski’s last novel in 1925 was accompanied by heated debates and discussions. Some of Przedwiosnie’s readers interpreted the final scene, in which the main character joins the march on the Belwedwe the seat of the president of Poland as a call to revolution. The writer was accused of leftist convictions and of propagating communist ideology. As well as accusations of the anti-Polish climate of the book, there were also complaints about its promoting a “pornographic atrocity.” Others reproached Żeromski for warping leftist ideals. Żeromski refused to allow his views to become overwhelmed by pro-communist propaganda. He presented himself as creator full of dashed hopes, unwilling to surrender his unflinching vision of the contemporary world. “I was never partial to revolution, that is, to the murdering of people by other people for the sake of things, goods and Money. İn all my writing, and especialy in Przedwiosnie, I have expressively condemned Bolshevik slaughter and torture”, Żeromski wrote.


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